Document management

Effortlessly organise, access, and update crucial documents

Manuals, inspection reports , safety reports, compliance documents, ... . It's very hard to have a good overview of all documents within your facility. With FixForm you will have your documents organised, easily accessible, and up-to-date so you can efficiently manage operations, make informed decisions, and ensure the facility's overall effectiveness and safety.

Document management
Getting started is easy

Onboarding takes hours, not weeks or months!

Unlike other software tools that can take months to figure out, our users can get started within 30 minutes, regardless of their digital maturity, background or language.

27 languages

We speak your language! FixForm is available in 27 languages.

Dedicated support

On top of our awesome Support team, you'll have access to our online training centre.

FixForm is available in 27 languages

Here's why Zoltan from Woonzorgnet Dijleland opted for FixForm.

Testimonial Image
FixForm has saved us thousands of hours of work. We’re able to locate and fix problems much faster.

Zoltan Wassenberg

Technical lead WZC Dijleland

Here's why Christophe from KAA Gent opted for FixForm.

Testimonial Image
Thanks to FixForm I can get the overview I need in order to tackle all incoming problems the most efficient way.

Christophe Dely

Facility Manager KAA Gent

Ready to experience the future of facility management?

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